Serving Aging and Vulnerable Adults Since 1985

GSI’s mission of providing guardianship and support services for at-risk adults in Tarrant County recognizes the equal rights of all individuals.

GSI: As Special as the County We Call Home

Established in 1985, GSI offers help and hope to at-risk adults in Tarrant County. Our guardianship program only accepts cases directly referred from the Tarrant County Probate Courts, but we also offer alternatives to guardianship.

GSI offers the following services:

  • Guardianship
  • Money Management
  • Financial Exploitation Prevention
  • Benefits Enrollment and Savings

Learn About our services

Who we serve

GSI serves at-risk adults living with challenges like these:

  • Dementia
  • Physical impairment
  • Intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Elderly with no support system
  • Victims of financial exploitation

  • Services and supports are tailored to individual needs, with priority given the least restrictive alternative.

    Financial Exploitation Prevention Center of Tarrant County

    Have you been affected by financial exploitation?

    Many victims of financial exploitation are hesitant to report the crime due to a lack of knowledge and often times due to embarrassment. We are here to help. Sadly, hundreds of thousands of individuals fall victim to scammers, you are not alone.

    Contact our Financial Exploitation Prevention Center team at (817) 720-6556.

    It's simply the Tarrant County way.

    We count on generous individuals and organizations to help GSI offer clients the standard of care they truly deserve.

    With your support, GSI can lift people up with dignity.

    Support Our Mission >

    Volunteer to serve our mission and help to make a difference.

    Can you help? Please fill out our volunteer application, and we will find the perfect opportunity for you on the GSI Volunteer Team.

    Affirming the value of all human beings, we intentionally promote mutual respect, acceptance of others, and welcome our differences. We celebrate the traditions, heritage, and experiences of our staff, our clients, and the community at-large. GSI’s culture of diversity and inclusion is not only our heritage, but also our future.
